Illicit Discharge, Detection and Elimination (IDDE)

Illicit Discharge can be defined as anything entering a storm drain that is not strictly Rain Water. The water that enters storm boxes goes straight to local waterways. As a result it is very important to minimize and eliminate what goes into the storm drains.

Citizens should call City Hall at 417-256-7176 or email and report any illicit discharge they may have seen. Within 72 hours after a call is placed the city will investigate the matter.
The Stormwater Department is also working to map all of the outfalls in the City. By mapping all of the outfalls the city will be better able to respond to any illicit discharges or spills. Being able to track a spill back to its source will help to control future problems as well as keep pollutants from entering our steams.

The City of West Plains has losing streams. This means that as the water travels down stream it soaks through the ground and enters the water table. If there are pollutants in the water when the ground absorbs it then those pollutants will likely end up in the water table.

For More Information Please Refer to the Ordinance and Manual Below