The City of West Plains Fire & Rescue is listed in the City of West Plains Charter under Chapter 20, Section 20-24 and is an ISO Class 3 municipal fire department, which provides protection to the lives and property of the citizens of West Plains, Missouri from fires, natural disasters, and hazardous materials incidents. The WPFD primarily protects a population of 12,170 covering 13.3 square miles, and also provides automatic aid to the Howell County Rural Fire District #1, protecting the rural area surrounding the city, and mutual aid to other departments in and around Howell County.
Mission Statement
Our mission is the protection and preservation of life, property, and the environment. We provide the highest level of fire and emergency services through our commitment to readiness, preparedness, fire prevention, education, and the passion of serving our community.
Vision Statement
Members of the West Plains Fire Department, through our commitment to innovation, service, and excellence, will always strive to lead the way in fire and life safety services. We continue to set the standard of excellence by honoring tradition, professionalism, and customer service; we create leaders through training, education, and strong ethical values for todays and future generations.
Core Values
We are:
Committed to Professional Excellence—West Plains Fire Department will achieve excellence through commitment in mentorship, respect for each individual, and a workplace that is free of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. We provide our members with the means, skills, and education to provide outstanding Fire & Emergency services for the citizens and visitors of West Plains. This is our commitment.
Serving with Honor— We will conduct ourselves with compassion, fairness, respect, loyalty, integrity, and honesty in all we do, all of the time. We will always conduct ourselves, on and off duty, in a manner that reflects positively on ourselves, our department and our community.
Serving with Integrity—We believe integrity is adherence to a moral code, reflected in transparent honesty in what we think, say, and do in our personal and professional lives. We are committed to being self-aware, accountable, responsible, and truthful in all our actions for our department and our community.
Serving with Respect—We are a fire department family that values each member in our organization, as we are committed to treat every member with respect, at any level. We respect those who came before and will make the organization better for those who follow.
Prepared for Duty—We will do everything possible to ensure that our fire department is at an optimum state of readiness when called upon to respond at a moment’s notice. It is our commitment to be properly trained, equipped, supported, and focused for safe and immediate response.
Responding with Compassion—We are a people-oriented fire department focused on helping those in need. We will provide the highest level of fire and emergency services with utmost compassion and caring to anyone in need.
Serving with Pride—We encourage each other to grow in Pride through our personal commitment and attitude to separate excellence from mediocrity. Our belief of ‘every action’ on-duty or off-duty, reflects on all members of the department, both past and present. We take pride in ourselves as individuals, our members as a team, our department as a family, and in our community.