The WPFD operates out of 3 stations. Each station is manned with at least 1 Lieutenant or Engineer. When an alarm is received, that employee will respond with the appropriate apparatus to the scene and the rest of the work is done with off-duty and paid-on-call personnel responding in personal vehicles.
The West Plains Fire Department is also the hub for the Region G Homeland Security All-Hazards Response Team. Along with the WPFD, it is comprised of personnel from departments in the nine county Region G to mitigate emergencies ranging from hazardous materials to technical rescue.
The West Plains Fire Department also helps provide training to departments in Region G including Firefighter I & II, Hazardous Materials Incident Response, Fire Service Instructor, Emergency Vehicle Driver Training and many, many more.
The West Plains Fire Department has a notable prevention program. From fire safety presentations to the area schools and businesses to commercial fire inspections and home fire safety surveys, the WPFD is always there to help you prevent a life changing incident.
Career Personnel:
The WPFD currently has 15 career employees on the city’s regular payroll. The Fire Chief and Assistant Chief, 13 full time shift personnel (3 Lieutenants, 8 Engineers and 2 Firefighters) who work a 24/72 shift (24 hours on–duty and 72 hours off-duty) and 2 part time shift personnel who fill in for vacations, sick, training, etc. All career personnel are required to respond to as many emergency calls as possible when off-duty.
Paid-On-Call Personnel:
The WPFD currently has 6 paid-on-call personnel who respond to calls aside from their regular place of employment much like a volunteer however; they receive a regular pay rate for each call, training, etc. they attend.