
Stephen Monticelli
Brian Bunch
Kyle Ellison
Chief Monticelli is responsible for the overall administrative functions of the Police Department. This includes managing personnel and operations, developing policies, planning budgets, developing and implementing new programs. Chief Monticelli is continually looking for ways to improve the department by keeping up with current best practices in law enforcement and current state, local, and federal laws.
Lt. Bunch is the North Zone Lieutenant and oversees the Investigative Division as well as all Sector 1 and 2 Patrol Operations. Additionally, Lt. Bunch also oversees the Dispatch/Communications Division, Evidence Room, K9 Division, and is the main grant writer and purchasing agent for the Police Department.
Lt. Ellison is the South Zone Lieutenant and oversees the operation of the city Jail as well as all of Sector 3 and 4 Patrol Operations. Additionally, Lt. Ellison is the departments Training Coordinator and serves as the Commander of the departments Strategic Response Team (SRT).